Reflections on Abraham M. Nussbaum, M.D.'s "The Finest Traditions of My Calling": The Re-Enchantment and Renewal of Medicine
Moderator -
Thomas McGovern, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry; Founder Emeritus Center for Ethics, Humanity and Spirituality; Department of Psychiatry, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Panelists -
Abraham M. Nussbaum, M.D., University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry
Janeta Tanscy, M.D., PhD. ,Private Practice, University of Iowa Department of Psychiatry
Cheryl Erwin, PhD., J.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Department of Medical Education and Department of Psychiatry
This session will focus on Abraham M. Nussbaum’s recent publication “The Finest Traditions of My Calling: One Physician’s Search for the Renewal of Medicine.” The themes addressed in this work directly relate to the theme of the conference which addresses the need for the re-enchantment of medicine and the role of the physician in terms of a vocation or of a calling. The panelists will present individual perspectives on the book, drawn from their own professional experiences. Following a brief introduction of the theme by the moderator and the presentations from two panelists, the author will address and respond to the panelists perspectives. Audience participation will then be invited, with a considerable amount of the allowed time devoted to this activity. The panelists’ presentations, together with the author’s response, will be 15 minutes in length each. A focus on interactive conversation will be maintained throughout the session with the goal being to have the widest possible contributions to the discussion. The panelists’ presentations will build on each other, serving as an introduction to the author’s response.
Presenter 1
This presenter has an extensive background in medical ethics and in the medical humanities. She will identify themes and narratives from the book which will establish a theoretical framework for the renewal of medicine as proposed by the author. She will examine the ethical and humane basis for the following themes which are explored in the book: incorporating ancient and modern wisdom into contemporary practice, the limitations of evidence based medicine, the challenge to professionalism in contemporary practice, the place of the humanities in capturing the soul and wisdom of medicine as a calling with special reference to the formative influence on the author of Aristotle and Plato, Abraham’s Verghese, Victoria Sweet, Stanley Hauerwas, and Paul Farmer.
Presenter 2
Presenter 2 is a psychiatrist with a doctorate in religious studies, with a special expertise in the areas of medicine as a vocation or as a calling. In addition, she has an extensive background in the literature of virtue as it is found in various religious traditions, and especially so in the ability of wisdom in literature to provide direction for individual and community transformation. Her presentation will address the importance of virtue and of wisdom as envisioned by the author as an agent of physician renewal and of the transformation of communities of care. She will examine the significance of the focus which the author places on the influence of the Gospels, St. Basil of Caesarea, of medieval mystics like Hildegard of Bingen in the formation of the author’s vision. She will analyze the various metaphors and the use of narrative as distinctive features of the book. Above all, this presenter will focus on the relevance of the book to a clinical practice and its applications to psychiatry and to the overall practice of medicine.
Author’s Response
The author will respond to the themes and perspectives explored by the two presenters and he will further amplify other themes of importance in his book. In a special way he will examine how evidence based guidelines and other technological initiatives have been valued with a loss of an enchanted view of the world, and especially so as mystery and wonder are replaced by technical means and calculations. The physician as a servant of healing which he relates to many traditions will also be explored. The importance of the humanity of the patient and of the caregiver will be stressed. The author’s remarks will serve as an introduction to the audience participation which follows. The moderator will guide this conversation involving the panelists and the author.
Nussbaum’s book has been hailed as one of the finest contributions to an understanding of ways in which medicine and its practitioners can re-find their souls. He ranks with Gawande and Verghese as one of the most articulate commentators on the challenges of 21st Century medicine. This panel presentation serves as an opportunity for the conference participants to engage in a lively and interactive conversation about the relevance of the book. The moderator has extensive experience in facilitating conversation in panel presentations and this event should be a rewarding experience for all involved.
Thomas McGovern, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry; Founder Emeritus Center for Ethics, Humanity and Spirituality; Department of Psychiatry, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Panelists -
Abraham M. Nussbaum, M.D., University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry
Janeta Tanscy, M.D., PhD. ,Private Practice, University of Iowa Department of Psychiatry
Cheryl Erwin, PhD., J.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Department of Medical Education and Department of Psychiatry
This session will focus on Abraham M. Nussbaum’s recent publication “The Finest Traditions of My Calling: One Physician’s Search for the Renewal of Medicine.” The themes addressed in this work directly relate to the theme of the conference which addresses the need for the re-enchantment of medicine and the role of the physician in terms of a vocation or of a calling. The panelists will present individual perspectives on the book, drawn from their own professional experiences. Following a brief introduction of the theme by the moderator and the presentations from two panelists, the author will address and respond to the panelists perspectives. Audience participation will then be invited, with a considerable amount of the allowed time devoted to this activity. The panelists’ presentations, together with the author’s response, will be 15 minutes in length each. A focus on interactive conversation will be maintained throughout the session with the goal being to have the widest possible contributions to the discussion. The panelists’ presentations will build on each other, serving as an introduction to the author’s response.
Presenter 1
This presenter has an extensive background in medical ethics and in the medical humanities. She will identify themes and narratives from the book which will establish a theoretical framework for the renewal of medicine as proposed by the author. She will examine the ethical and humane basis for the following themes which are explored in the book: incorporating ancient and modern wisdom into contemporary practice, the limitations of evidence based medicine, the challenge to professionalism in contemporary practice, the place of the humanities in capturing the soul and wisdom of medicine as a calling with special reference to the formative influence on the author of Aristotle and Plato, Abraham’s Verghese, Victoria Sweet, Stanley Hauerwas, and Paul Farmer.
Presenter 2
Presenter 2 is a psychiatrist with a doctorate in religious studies, with a special expertise in the areas of medicine as a vocation or as a calling. In addition, she has an extensive background in the literature of virtue as it is found in various religious traditions, and especially so in the ability of wisdom in literature to provide direction for individual and community transformation. Her presentation will address the importance of virtue and of wisdom as envisioned by the author as an agent of physician renewal and of the transformation of communities of care. She will examine the significance of the focus which the author places on the influence of the Gospels, St. Basil of Caesarea, of medieval mystics like Hildegard of Bingen in the formation of the author’s vision. She will analyze the various metaphors and the use of narrative as distinctive features of the book. Above all, this presenter will focus on the relevance of the book to a clinical practice and its applications to psychiatry and to the overall practice of medicine.
Author’s Response
The author will respond to the themes and perspectives explored by the two presenters and he will further amplify other themes of importance in his book. In a special way he will examine how evidence based guidelines and other technological initiatives have been valued with a loss of an enchanted view of the world, and especially so as mystery and wonder are replaced by technical means and calculations. The physician as a servant of healing which he relates to many traditions will also be explored. The importance of the humanity of the patient and of the caregiver will be stressed. The author’s remarks will serve as an introduction to the audience participation which follows. The moderator will guide this conversation involving the panelists and the author.
Nussbaum’s book has been hailed as one of the finest contributions to an understanding of ways in which medicine and its practitioners can re-find their souls. He ranks with Gawande and Verghese as one of the most articulate commentators on the challenges of 21st Century medicine. This panel presentation serves as an opportunity for the conference participants to engage in a lively and interactive conversation about the relevance of the book. The moderator has extensive experience in facilitating conversation in panel presentations and this event should be a rewarding experience for all involved.