Humanity's Horizon: Transhumanism and Posthumanism
Rev. Silas Hasselbrook, Marquette University
Student Essay - Second Runner Up
Often, transhumanism and posthumanism are thought of as describing the same reality. In general, they both present a vision for the future of human life. Yet, they differ in significant ways: transhumanism seeks to overcome the limits of the human condition, while posthumanism seeks to re-situate the ontological conception of the human. After describing what each system
espouses, we will be able to see just what is on the horizon for humanity according to each approach. The paper will conclude with an assessment of some internal weaknesses in each method and an appeal for the possibility of saying something definitive and substantial about just what a human is.
espouses, we will be able to see just what is on the horizon for humanity according to each approach. The paper will conclude with an assessment of some internal weaknesses in each method and an appeal for the possibility of saying something definitive and substantial about just what a human is.