2024 Authors - Tuesday
- The Occasional Human Sacrifice: Medical Experimentation and the Price of Saying No, will be published by W.W. Norton on May 14. Carl Elliott, PhD
- Higher Powers: Alcohol and After in Uganda’s Capital City. (UC Press, February 2024) China Scherz, PhD
- "Finding Biblical Moral Clarity: How Can Evangelicals Address the Increasing Moral Confusion in Today's World? A Compendium of Theological Essays about Current Ethical Issues and Their Historical and Philosophical Background." 2022 John Iones.
- Tomorrow’s Troubles: Risk, Anxiety, and Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance (Georgetown, 2022). Paul Scherz, PhD
- The Trauma Informed Church:Walking with Others Towards Flourishing: 2nd Edition with Study Guide. Andrea Clements, PhD
- Mantle of Mercy: Islamic Chaplaincy in North America which was published by Templeton Press in 2022, Jaye Starr Boz
- The Virtues in Psychiatric Practice. Oxford University Press 2022. John Peteet, MD
- Doctor, Will You Pray for Me?: Medicine, Chaplains and Healing the Whole Person (Oxford University Press, 2024) Robert Klitzman, MD
- Encountering Artificial Intelligence: Ethical and Anthropological Explorations, 2024. Andrea Vicini, SJ
- The Rising Global Cancer Pandemic: Health, Ethics, and Social Justice, 2023. Andrea Vicini, SJ
- Ethics Challenges in Global Public Health: Climate Change, Pollution, and the Health of the Poor, 2021. Andrea Vicini, SJ